The true reason why I stoped watching this anime is because i loved it and I didn't want to finished in three days. It has passed a month and today I finished the anime!
And What can i tell you? I love it!. It's worth to wach it. It's so funny, you'll cry for laughing to much.
But this anime apart of the comedy have a dramatic history. This anime teach you that every body is diferent and special you don't have to be someone you don't are to be wanted.
Finally I will tell you two things.
1. I ship Shinka x Sanae !!! <3
2. The chapter 12 in my opinion it's not necessary. The anime clouse in chapter 11, but the chapter 12 are very well.
This anime is impresionant :)
Thanks Torako (the autor of this anime)
Queralt :3
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